Saturday, July 09, 2005

Here's the current doily-in-progress. I finished the part that's done in the round last night, and did one of the pineapple tips this morning. It looks pretty sorry right now, but as in knitted lace, blocking helps a lot. I'm not in love with this pattern, but it will be good to finally get this out of the work-in-progress pile. Ten and a half months is a long time to have a simple doily hanging about unfinished!!

As for the back deck, we now have less room than we used to! Shaun went off-island on Wednesday and came back with this:

We had a Christmas/housewarming Home Depot gift certificate from my mother-in-law, and we (Shaun) decided that it should go toward a grill. Shaun is thrilled. It has a big main grill, plus a side burner on the right, so he can really go to town with the grilling and cooking. Perhaps a bit of overkill for this family of three, but it's great for crowds. We had a party (with six kids under age four... wasn't that chaotic!) last night, and at one point had twelve burgers and eight hotdogs on this thing. Hey, anything that means I don't have to figure out what's for dinner or clean up the greasy splattered stove is a plus in my book!


Unknown said...

Hi Sue:

The carding workshop was a great success. Of course Shirely and her house may never be the same again but...Now most everyonr thought my elctric patrick green was the best with the even feed in and the three feed speeds. Sue managed to sell both an eletric and a deb's delux the next day. So my vote is the fanci card that's why i bought it. but if the price is too high for your budget Deb's delux is a great choice for all fibers. Talk to Sue of Sue's fiber shop or Patrick Green. I love the doily work. I just found my great grandmother's crocet hooks the other day. I thought they were my grandmothers as I found them in her apartment but thinking about her I realize they were her mothers as Grandma was not a fiber worker. Also friends found a large doily knit by a realitive in the former Check republic. I'm not sure what nation they were from. Anyway they mounted it on dark green velvet and framed it in an elabrate gold frame and hung it in their living room. It was a work of art.

waterlilysage said...

wow. that's some kind of beautiful stainless steel grill-osity.

CrazyFiberLady said...

now that's a cool grill! Use it in good health.

that was far too many little kids ;)