Thursday, November 17, 2005

I got a call yesterday from the woman who bought the snowflake mobile from me at the Fair last August. She wants to buy three more, plus a lot of single snowflakes!!! WooHoo! Now I have to get busy and make a pile of snowflakes. I already have a bunch of small-to-medium-sized ones done, but I used up all the large ones on the first mobile.

This is welcome news, because it will allow me to do things like, you know, get the propane tank filled so we can be warm this winter...

I hate being a grown-up sometimes, mostly when there are bills to be paid.


Unknown said...

Thnaks for living a comment. I was just whining to my husband tyhat no one ever leaves a comment and I signed on and there you were. Snow is one of my favorite things. I'd share but you live half way across the country. I roll in the snow for you if you wave at a whale for me.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the big snowflake/mobile order! That's so great.

rustyconc said...

Congratulations Sue!

And it was cool to see the felting in the last post. It really does look like an abstract face. Now you just need to build a reputation as an avante garde artist working in unusual mediums and you can charge and arm and a leg for it!


Suz said...


cyndy said...

Hi Sue!
Way to go-landing the snowflake deal! They really are beautiful, and must look so nice spinning around...just wanted to say hello, and thanks for stopping by my blog...glad you had a good read!