Monday, March 24, 2008

I finished spinning and plying the Royal Hare merino top this weekend, and I love the way it came out. It's super soft and squishy, and the colors are so vibrant. I like the way the colors interacted after plying. They blended nicely, and didn't get muddy or overly muted. They did tone down a bit, but I think that's all to the good. The blue and purple were quite bright, but look fabulous marled together. I'm still planning to weave with this.

It came out to (some amount) of yardage and 4 ounces. As you can tell, I was too lazy to count the revolutions as I wound the skein off the bobbin, and I'm still to lazy to do it now. I just got back from the gym, and I'm wiped. The only reason I know the weight is that's what was written on the wrapper from the bundle of top. I'll update this post tomorrow. I haven't measured the wraps per inch yet, either, but I'm guessing it's about 30-40. Hard to tell because it's so pouffy.

I'll close with a picture of the Easter egg I had yesterday, and the interesting way the dye bled through the shell.

Dare we hope this is a sign of things to come?


PJ said...

Pretty! so sorry to hear about your work news :( I have to say I had a 'sucking' last week too. Some times no matter what you do or what frame of mind you are in things happen. Your yarn is gorgeous and maybe your two months of spinning will prove successful. WOW your daughter has grown! it's just amazing how they son grew 1/5" in a month! almost 5'5" to stop feeding fertilizer!

Leigh said...

Ooo, the yarn is yummy! Can't say the egg looks yummy *lol*, but it does look very interesting.