Thursday, November 27, 2008

Emma and I watched Willow last night. I know many disagree, but I think it's a very sweet, funny movie. I was a little worried that parts would be too scary for Emma, like the two-headed troll-monster and the baby-exorcism at the end, but I got around that by telling her ahead of time that it has a happy ending, and that the evil queen Bavmorda was only trying to steal little Elora Danan's powers, not kill her. I explained all the way through the movie what was happening, and introduced the monster as silly, not scary ("It has two heads! How can it have two heads??!!")

I needn't have worried, though. I forgot that this is the girl whose favorite movies are all six Star Wars episodes. She caught me looking at her worriedly during the baby-exorcism scene, and said to me "It's OK, Mom, this is only a made-up story. They won't hurt the baby actor."

Then, at the very end, when everything works out and everyone lives happily ever after, she got really quiet and turned her face into my shoulder. I was suddenly worried again, because she was crying... she said "I'm just so happy for the little baby. She has a family now. And Willow went home to his family. They're all so happy."

I love my little girl.

1 comment:

rizz said...

I do too. Thanks for sharing that little story.